AP880 Display is Flipped 180 Degrees

Step-by-step process to resolve the flipped display issue.

Turn Off Disk Protection

  1. Select Menu
  2. Enter Passcode 123 then press the Login button.
  3. Select Calibration & Service 
  4. Enter the passcode 519 then press the Login button.
  5. Select Service / Factory Settings
  6. Enter the passcode 007 then press the Login button.
  7. Select Shell Launcher
  8. Select Turn Off Disk Protection (the instrument will reboot).

Change the Display Orientation

  1. Select Menu
  2. Enter Passcode 123 then press the Login button.
  3. Select Calibration & Service 
  4. Enter the passcode 519 then press the Login button.
  5. Select Service / Factory Settings
  6. Select Shell Launcher
  7. Select Control Panel
  8. Select Display
  9. Select Adjust Resolution
  10. From the Orientation drop down list, select Landscape (flipped).
  11. Press the Apply button.
  12. Press the OK button.
  13. Click on the X located on the upper right side of the window to close the window. 
  14. Click on the X located on the upper right side of the window again to close the window. 
  15. Select Turn On Disk Protection, the instrument will reboot.
  16. Confirm that the screen is properly displayed.