Step-by-step instructions for uploading a database file to a refractometer.
- Select Menu
- Enter the passcode 123
- Select the Service Settings option
- Enter the passcode 519
- Select the Factory Settings option
- Enter the passcode 007
- Select the Shell Launcher option
- Select Disable Disk Protection
- Select Control Panel
- Open the Windows Explorer file
- Open the C: drive (double click on C: drive)
- Open the Refractometer folder
- Rename the file with the .mdb file extension (NOT THE MULTI-LANGUAGE FILE)
- Copy and paste the file with the new database to the Refractometer folder
- Click on the red X of the window to close the window
- Click on the red X of the second window to close the window
- Click on the red X of the third window to close the window
- Select the Restart option and allow the instrument to restart and load the new database. This may take a few minutes, do NOT power off the instrument.
- Once the instrument is fully booted up turn on Disk protection by performing the steps below:
- Select Menu
- Enter the passcode 123
- Select the Service Settings option
- Enter the passcode 519
- Select the Factory Settings option
- Enter the passcode 007
- Select the Shell Launcher option
- Select Turn Disk Protection